We are excited to announce that free-to-play Rumble is returning for the 2023 NFL season! Beginning in Week 3, you’ll be able to put your NFL ALL DAY Moments to work in our weekly contest to compete for Dapper Balance prizing! The Week 3 contest is available now in the lobby with $2,500 in prizes.
Rumble is a game where you use your NFL ALL DAY Moments to create a Rumble Roster and compete against other collectors. See below for the rules of the game.
Rumble Roster
A Standard Rumble Roster consists of 8 roster spots:
1 QB
2 RB
2 WR
1 TE
1 DST+
Position eligibility is determined by the metadata of NFL ALL DAY moments. A user will connect their FLOW wallet in order to create a Rumble Roster and only be able to enter players for moments they own in their collection.
For QB, RB, WR and TE, the team in the Moment does not matter. The player will score the same points regardless of whether they are still on the team in the Moment or a new team.
All Moments for players currently in the NFL are eligible for Rumble. We will define “currently in the NFL” via our sports data provider. If a player shows up for the current season in the provider data feed, they will be eligible. This means that a Davante Adams Moment is useable whether it comes from Series 1 or from a Historical Series. This will apply to all positions including DST+.
Players that are not currently in the NFL are ineligible to be played in Rumble in any position slot, including DST+.
DST+ Position
The DST+ position can be filled by ANY of the non-skill position moments. This means that defensive players, kickers, punters, offensive linemen, team melts, and any other moment type we see that falls outside of QB, RB, WR, TE will all be eligible to fill the DST+ roster spot. Once a moment is entered into the DST+ roster spot, it will automatically score for the player’s metadata-assigned team based on the DST+ scoring system outlined below. The individual moment used does not have any impact other than the serial number. Anyone on a team that qualifies for the DST+ position will generate the same amount of points. Playing a Kicker or a Linebacker from the same team you will get the exact same amount of points.
Rumble HERO (Rare and Legendary moments)
Each Rumble Roster is eligible to designate one Hero by using a Rare or Legendary Moment. The Hero will receive a point boost of 1.25x. There is a max of one Hero per roster and it is not a requirement to have a Hero. You may use multiple Rare or Legendary moments in your roster, but only one can be designated the Hero and will receive the point boost.
Scoring System
Rumble Roster spots will score Rumble Points based on their on-field performance. See below for the full breakdown, which is a typical full-PPR scoring system.Offensive Points:
Defensive Points:
Note: in the event of a tie, aggregate lowest serial number for the Rumble Roster will serve as the tiebreaker
Rumble Wrinkle
The Rumble contest locks at 1PM ET on Sunday each week. Any games played Thursday, Saturday or early morning Sunday will have known outcomes and associated Rumble Points before contests lock. You’ll be able to roster a moment while knowing the exact number of Rumble Points you will be receiving. Those who have played the Owners Club know this creates a fun strategic wrinkle and some wild marketplace dynamics!